couples sessions

Are you ready to take date night to the next level? 

starting at $450

I'm in

Before you ask… yes, I will come up with nearly any excuse to tell a new love story. I don’t think you need to wait until a big wedding day to bottle up all of those sweet butterflies and immortalize that fire you feel in your chest when you are together. 

Your couples session is all about creating an experience that is perfectly niche to the two of you. I don’t show up on our session date with a list full of poses that I repeat over and over again with all of my couples. People are wayyyy to complex for me to believe that you can copy and paste an experience and expect magic to happen. Instead, your session is created using the things that matter most to you. I will take time to get to know your likes, dislikes, love languages, and go-to date night activities in order to prepare a session that actually tells your story. I want you to look back at these pictures when you are old & gray and tell your grandkids that this is exactly what your everyday life looked like. 

Want to go on an adventure instead? I am game! Let’s brainstorm your dream location and make it happen! I am down to get messy, go off the beaten path, and find breathtaking views if that is the experience your heart is seeking.